For those that have followed us over the years you know that we are what many in the Agri-Chemical Industry call “Anti-GMO”. Since 2009 we have used Ronnie’s material in our GMO Tuesday productions. So you can imagine the shock I received this morning with the following. Ronnie was relentless in the efforts to bring awareness to the peril’s of the GMO technology in our food supply. Like all of us in the “Anti-GMO” world we don’t fear the GMO Technology as it is very sound technology. However, we do have an issue with how this technology is used. Plain and simple…GMO Technology is used to push chemicals. Chemicals that were ‘back-doored’ into the food supply. Said Chemicals, mainly glyphosate, and now a more deadlier chemical, Dicamba are used. We were told they were safe and ‘non-transferable’. This was and remains a lie based on manipulated science.
From all of us here at Aladay Mobile Media may the next part of your journey be peaceful and as rich as the journey you shared here on earth with us.
We’ll miss you Ronnie.
Think Regeneration writes:
“In the two minute clip above, you will get an intimate picture of Ronnie Cummins, and the unique way he could teach others about the mindset of a regenerative leader.
In this clip, the co-founder of the Organic Consumers Association and Regeneration International sat on stage in 2017 with Acres USA’s long-time owner, Fred Walters, who asked Vandana Shiva, and André Leu, a question about “How, in the face of all you see, do you stay positive and happy?” at the end of the keynote presentation at the Eco-Ag Conference & Trade Show. I was leaning against the wall in awe of the conversation on stage, and Ronnie truly brought it home with his answer.
Like he was prone to do, Ronnie made us think, and then made us laugh. And then he gave us hope.
Here’s what he said in 2017:
“I don’t feel the least bit tired you, know. But I think there’s a I think there’s an inner planetary force out there that when you get opened up to it, you get this strength, and it makes you smile all the time. And I believe that we can tap into this force and that will make us invincible. You know, it’s hard to always feel that force—that solidarity that compassion that whatever it is—I don’t know exactly what it is—but most of the time it’s there. And this is a big universe—we don’t understand what’s going on totally, we don’t understand where it came from or where it’s going or everything in it, but I think it’s worthwhile trying to cultivate personal health. You know, mental and physical, and getting out in nature, and being in contact with beauty and the sacredness of it all, and maybe the sacred herbs, too, I mean I’ve always been a believer in the sacred herbs, but that’s why I’m a happy guy.
“I mean, I’m going to die at some point, but hopefully not before we won. But I actually think I’m going to come back in some form. I’m not sure what it is, but I’m going to come back to enjoy the fruits of my labor and all of our labor, so I look forward to seeing you in any of those forms.”
While he died last week of cancer, his legacy should be known through the regenerative movement. We can thank him for helping create healthier foods for millions of people and teaching thousands of farmers how to grow organically. His impact was generational, {and} enormous.
Ronnie was a fierce believer in individual freedom. He was controversial in his beliefs about the Covid vaccine, and was not afraid to call out the large corporate polluters for their lack of care for humanity. Yet, through all his writings and teaching, the thread of kindness and the connectedness of life, was consistent.”
Read: Ronnie’s Official Obituary (Read the comments!)
Please help us carry Ronnie’s work forward! Donate here
Tributes and Photos
“Ronnie was a pioneer in highlighting the necessity of organic regenerative farming and foods to counter the negative impact on human health from shortsighted agricultural practices driven by chemical industry greed.
“Ronnie and I worked side-by-side as allies for most of the last 40 years. He had a clear vision about the links between environmental degradation, the subversion of democracy and the dangerous rise of corporate power.
“His buoyant optimism about human nature and the resilience of our planet always energized me, even in the face of the most disheartening defeats. His indefatigable spirit, humor and his merciless work ethic enabled him to educate and inspire multiple generations of environmental warriors to pursue a healthy lifestyle and to demonstrate the courage to speak out against growing industrial ravages to our environment.”
– Robert F Kennedy Jr.
“Ronnie was everything this write-up says – and so much more. I worked for Ronnie and his wife, Rose, for nine years. We forged a lifelong friendship. But he treated me more like family than an employee or a friend. Ronnie was a visionary, whose irrepressible hope for the future was informed by his deep knowledge and understanding of history. He captivated crowds, speaking at length without a single note or prompt, the facts and figures just flowed. Rarely did his speeches not end in a standing ovation. I had the good fortune to be able to travel to faraway places with Ronnie. Everywhere he went, he inspired — and was energized by — others, but especially the young people. Long after people half his age had retired for the night, Ronnie would be singing and playing guitar into the wee hours of the morning. Yet when morning came around, he was the first one up, sipping his coffee, scanning the headlines . . . and plotting his next project. His slow, southern drawl belied an inexhaustible energy. Ronnie was inclusive. Generous. Fearless when it came to speaking truth to power. But most of all, he was authentic to the bone. The highest compliment he bestowed on others was to call them “the real deal.” Ronnie should know — he lived a life unequivocally committed to seeking justice and confronting those on the wrong side of it — no matter how powerful. No one person can step in and take his place — but together, an army of passionate revolutionaries can carry forward his life’s work. That, in the end, is the only way to honor his legacy.”
– Katherine Paul
Reprinted with Organic Bytes permission.
Until Next Time…
Happy Gardening…
- Braised Chicken with Mushrooms and Baby Artichokes - January 29, 2025
- Chicken and Broccoli Stir Fry - December 26, 2024
- Blood Orange Caramel Tarte Tatin - December 18, 2024