Many years ago I had the pleasure of interviewing an Organic Farmer, Donald Lewis. There was a lot of wisdom in the interview, so much so, I felt it only right to pay tribute to Donald in light of all the madness in regards to various issues in society. Gas, Food, Power and Water Systems all across the country have recently been compromised by decisions by our elected idiots in Washington DC.
How did Monsanto get in our food supply???
Monsanto is the Monster of our Unhealthy Food Production
** Monsanto and Monster start with Mons. Let’s break Monsanto in two sections. The Webster’s Dictionary for Monster one word of many descriptions is Monstrous. This fits Monsanto perfectly. The Dictionary word Santonin is poisonous and all so fits Santo perfectly. I am playing on words. Monsanto plays on the visible. I am going back 1600 years and here is a script from the Creed. I believe in one God Father almighty maker of Heaven and Earth and all things visible and invisible. I jump ahead to eighty years ago and Chemical Fertilizer was introduced. Before that all crops were done by the Organic method but not recognized as such. It was the Natural way of growing the Worlds food. Following I am going to explain my facts and theories of what the visible has done to our soil and our health. I am not a Scientist but an old Organic Farmer from the 1950’s where I learned from observation and logic. I am still learning and am very concerned as to what the Monster (Monsanto) is promoting and taking humanity to the brink of disaster. My theme is the SOIL is the LIFE BLOOD of the EARTH and all FOOD come from the SOIL—FOOD and HEALTH in this ORDER.
** I remember as a youngster that Super Phosphate was first used on my Grandfathers and my Dads farm. What a display of green grass and not a thought of why. There was not any mention from the chemical companies that the 20% super phosphate with Sulfuric acid made it 100% available from rock phosphate. A stimulant that the plants liked is not natural.
** Next came the Nitrogen, Phosphate and Potash all very visible when the plants are stimulated with the big three and very impressive. It was in 1949 I noticed killing of the Earthworms along the corn rows just planted. Hot acid fertilizer will do this. It also burns the plants small hair roots and they never recover. The roots are invisible but not a concern as long as the dirt will anchor the plants and feed it stimulants. They can grow plants in dirt which is dead with no life. Soil has living micro organisms by the billions not visible. The earthworms are visible but ignored by the chemical advisers. NPK is over riding all other element in the soil that makes plants healthy.
** Next promotion was Herbicides to kill the weeds. The weeds were promoted by the Chemical Fertilizers. I used the Herbicides one year in 1949 and never again. We made our own sprayer and over applied on the end of the rows. We had a rainbow on the ends where legumes would not grow the next year and after. I went to a Farmers meeting and the Agronomist was pushing Herbicide. I asked: I know it kills the weeds but what about the life in the soil that makes plant food we do not see. (invisible) His answer in six to seven weeks it will dissipate. I said that is most of my growing season in Vermont and how do you know. It is a hormone that grows the plants with a stimulant that busts them and they die. It does not all go on the plants and ends up after years in the water and food supply. Agent Orange is a good example of the danger to Humans. I understand that the Monster is bringing back to the Farms because the roundup it not working as some weeds develop immunity to it. There is a killer pig weed that is costing Farming millions in revenue. EPA and the FDA is going to allow this but stop the Organic movement at every chance possible. –What sorry agencies we have in Washington. I read in this Months (January 2013) Progressive Farmer Article. The Farmers are in school to learn how to use the new Herbicide. The sprayers have to be set just right as over application can be a problem. This is a real safe and progressive movement. Here comes Agent Orange.
** Now the insecticides for insect control that was caused by Chemically stimulated unhealthy plants. Insects will attack the sick plants. Survival of the fittest is Mother Nature’s way to control weakened plants. I have proof in my Garden that this is true. I packed the soil on the end of my potato patch with my tractor. The potato bugs riddled the two hills where the ground was packed down and unable to breathe. Not a potato bug on the other plants. I see pictures of monster tractors and equipment traveling the fields that pack the soil to hard dirt. They then shallow till or no till and feed the plants stimulants in Chemical Fertilizer. Use Herbicide to control weeds and insecticides to control insects. Spray chemicals to control diseases like blight. All caused by Chemicals from Monsanto. (Monster)
** The previous cycle was not enough. What a cycle Monsanto (Monster and Poison) has put the Farmers and Gardeners in. In the mean time was Hybrid by cross breeding the plants which are sterile and against Mother Nature’s life cycle of reproduction. The cross breeding had to be done by detaseling one of the open pollinated verities by hand.
** The labor was to costly so Monsanto tried to do a procedure of killing the male sperm and had a failure. There was a blight that went all the way from the North to Florida. Not any public knowledge of this ever.
** The preceding took a long time for point of no return with the Chemical Fertilizer to end up polluting the water ways. The Chesapeake Bay is costing the Fishing Industry 30 million a year in lost revenue. The public is being told it is cow manure and other contamination. Not one mention about the millions of tons of water soluble NP that leaches with the water to the Bay. I have commented on this in other posts. Insects and weeds are getting immune to the sprays. This is also a long point of no return. All of this caused our soil to be unhealthy and our plants to be unhealthy. It is passed up the Food Chain to Humans and Animals.
** Now we have Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) that is to combat all of the preceding failures. This is a short point of no return. I call the Scientists and Researchers test tube Farmers. They just as well have no soil. The Soil is the Life Blood of the Earth and all Food comes from the Soil – Food and Health in this Order. The test tube farmers have turned our soil to dirt. It is impossible to outdo what Mother Nature has blessed us with for Millions of years. The GMO food is causing more and more diseases in Humans and Animals than the preceding quotes. I know all the above can be done and is very impressive which is very good to know. I also know how to jump off a cliff but logic tells me what the end results will be. Monsanto (Monster) is pushing all Humanity off the cliff and have to be stopped. The problem is the Monster has made billions swindling the public and our EPA, FDA, USDA and all the Government policy makers. There are thirty Five Monsanto Lobbyists in Washington DC. Most all environment committees related to Agriculture include Monsanto connections.
** I will not stop here without giving my concerned opinion on what we can do to bring our soil back to life. It is all related to recovering the Organic Matter. This is where the Life and Health of the soil is possible. Of course it can-not all be Organic either but this is what has been lost by poisoning our soil. There has been billions of dollars spent on Global Warming and now Global Change. How come the history of the report only went back sixty years? Heck I am older than that and I can remember bad storms and extra hot weather and extra cold weather in Vermont. Not any money spent on the soil of how to best use it for healthy humanity. Yes allot spent on erosion that has been caused by chemicals that poison. It will take years to get back to normal soil usage as our ancestors did without Chemicals. It can be done by piece meal. But it will be difficult to mix the two as we may have gone too far. My question is what will happen if the GMO fails and we run out of Phosphorous in thirty years as predicted? It is time to start working toward the Organic method. I can get all elements in my gardens without chemicals. I have soil test taken in September 2011 to prove it. My confusion is now we can do without Phosphate as there is enough in the soil already. In the 1940’s and many years after the cow manure needed super phosphate to make it worth spreading. The Dairy Farmers would sign up for it through the Government Extension Serves at reduced cost. The times change as I have read by an expert that we do not need phosphorous as there is enough in the soil. The cows have so much NP in their manure it is polluting the water ways. They have changed as I mention previously the manure was low in NP. The Obama Administration is monitoring the Chesapeake Bay pollution with two Monsanto reps on the committee. The committee contradicted themselves in a report in July. Honesty and logic has been lost and replaced with greed. We are still burning our corn as ethanol another big swindle that is not renewable. The GMO corn and the Ethanol is costing the Dairy Farmers and all corn feed animals millions to feed. The GMO is causing a big health problem. Also the farmers are paying over two hundred dollars an acre for seed. Is this progress and logic? It is a swindle and a big failure. I have proof that all the elements for good plant growth are available to us naturally. The soil tests I took last September 2011. Have all the elements for good plant growth with 9.6% Organic Matter. The Nitrogen is free from the 78% in the atmosphere. Just recently I came across an Article about synthetic nitrogen. It was published three years ago and never public. Three Illinois Scientists found that synthetic nitrogen burns up the carbon in the soil and releases it as CO2. This is the carbon dioxide that is suppose to cause Global Warming (Climate Change). The Farmers and Public is being swindled by our Government and the big Agriculture Chemical Companies for Greed over Humanity.
** Monsanto has not stopped yet. I just read the article Food Democracy, Now about Ascpartame is a sweetener that is added to milk. They have ruined the soil which is not enough so I guess that was not a powerful enough killer. They are getting more and more evil every day.
** Summary— I have many more reason why Organic is superior over Chemical Agriculture and Gardening. I have tried for some time now to get Agriculture Colleges doing Organic research with 15M USDA grants interested in my book starting 60 years ago. I have been reprimanded from a Professor that was just the grants writer. The other Colleges never corresponded. They used the money to get farmers to do Organic Research. There were 88 farmers started the program and only 1 completed. The FFA gets thousands of dollars to do essays on chemical farmers programs for prize money sponsored by Monsanto. (Monster) Some FFA chapters have wanted to start experimenting with Organic and the higher officials say a flat NO. Money is the route of all evil, I have heard and this is a great example. Most all the Organic movement is infiltrated with Monsanto connections. I will include evil with Monster to describe Monsanto. We are swindled to believe we can-not feed the world with Organic methods. Logic tells us it is not true. Yes it takes more work but saves our soil. Where did all our healthy Forests continue to grow? There the tree leafs is the organic matter. Agriculture travels so far with the big Dairy factory farms the Organic matter never returns to the soil. (The Cow Manure). The plants only take 10% of growth from the soil and the produce a fraction of this. Cover crops can replace some of this if plowed in but with no till and swallow till I wonder. Chemical Fertilizer has been over loaded onto the Farmers for years and the billionaire Chemical Companies have billionaire salesman from selling Farm Chemicals.
I have read in the June National Geographic an Article by Dan Charles that is very disturbing and more reason to go Organic. The title is Our Fertilized World. Monsanto is more of a Monster all the time. Mr. Charles has traveled the World and found that there is 1OO million tons of synthetic nitrogen spread on the planet every year. It is suppose to improve the soil fertility which is not true. The nitrogen burns up the carbon in the soil (Organic Matter) and releases it as CO2. This is Green House gas that causes global warming. He states that 70% of the global warming is caused by this. Not one word to the public as it going to hurt the wealthy Chemical companies that have no respect for Humanity. Also 35 lobbyists in Washington can persuade many politicians and the USDA. The Government is no longer for the people of the people. Instead it is for the sorry people in our Government that are running it into the ground. The Article is well worth reading. He writes that Agriculture should be taken out of the Chemical Laboratories and returned to the Farmers and the Fields. I call them test tube Farmers.
** I am ending with a passage from the Lord’s Prayer over 2000 thousand year ago. It is the most said prayer in the world. “It is thine Kingdom (GOD) and the Power (JESUS) and the Glory forever and ever (Humanity)”. This is my interruption and it fits Organic perfectly.
Donald E. Lewis
Donald Edwin Lewis, 88, of Woodstock, Vermont, passed away on June 18, 2017 in Goode, VA. Donald was born in Woodstock, Vermont to Carl and Mildred Lewis on September 13, 1928. He went to high school at Woodstock Union and graduated in 1946. He worked on his family’s Dairy Farm in Woodstock until 1963 with a two year tour of duty, with the Army, as a Combat Tank Commander in between. He moved with his family to Orlando where he earned an Associate’s degree in computer programming from Orlando Jr. Collage. He worked in that profession with various corporations until his retirement. He then moved to Goode, VA where he followed his passion for Organics and gardening where he loved to share the produce with family, friends and neighbors. He was President of the FFA Woodstock Chapter being Governor of the Vermont District and 1958 New England Green Pastures Winner. Donald is survived by his wife of 61 years Lanighta Lewis of Bedford, Sister Emily Hawkes of Woodstock, VT. Sons, Father Eric Lewis of Savanna, GA. and Scott Lewis of Omaha, NE, Daughters Paula Hegner of Augusta, GA and Anita Trout of Augusta, GA. Grandsons Steven and Alex Carls son, Garrett and Kyle Hegner. Granddaughters Marisa, Amanda and Kristin Lewis and Great Granddaughter Nora Upchurch. He is preceded in death by his Brother Gordon Lewis and Sister Doris Frizzell. Memorial donations may be made to Beacon Credit Union in Forest, VA with the proceeds going to the advancement of Organics. The family wishes to extend their gratitude to all that were involved in Donald’s life and he enjoyed all the time and conversations he had with each and every one. A memorial service will be held at Updike Funeral Home on Friday June 23, 2017 at 6pm with his son, Father Eric P. Lewis, officiating. Burial will be in Johnson, Vermont following his wishes.
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