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Let us examine that statement for just a minute. Currently we have to major categories of food. One, Genetically Modified Organisms, or GMO’s as they have come to be called. Without a doubt these are the most controversial of our foods, these are what we’ll examine today. The second, organic or ‘natural’ which us sometimes a misnomer. This is a discussion for my next article.
This is why there is no nutrients in GMO foods
Glyphosate was first synthesized in 1950 by Swiss chemist Henry Martin, who worked for the Swiss company Cilag. The work was never published. Stauffer Chemical patented the agent as a chemical chelator in 1964 as it binds and removes minerals such as calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, and zinc.
Keep in mind these are all important elements that our bodies need for a healthy lifestyle. Seriously…look at what is in vitimans for old folks…
Glyphosate Patent History
• Glyphosate was first synthesized in 1950 by Swiss chemist Henry Martin, who worked for the Swiss company, Cilag. The work was never published.
• Stauffer Chemical patented the agent as a chemical chelator in 1964, used to descale boilers and pipes, as it binds and removes minerals such as calcium, magnesium, copper and zinc.
• Monsanto patented Glyphosate as a herbicide in 1974, under the RoundUp brand name, which expired in 2000.
• In 1996, Monsanto introduces RoundUp Ready Soybeans.
• In 2010, Monsanto patented Glyphosate as a parasitic control type antimicrobial, or antibiotic, proposing to be used as a treatment for microbial infections and parasitic control of various diseases such as malaria.
Glyphosate in our Food
Roundup Ready crops are crops genetically modified to be resistant to the herbicide Roundup.
• In 1996 genetically modified soybeans were introduced that are resistant to Roundup. Current Roundup Ready crops include soy, corn, canola, alfalfa, cotton, and sorghum, with wheat under development.
• Because the crops are resistant to Roundup, the herbicide can be used in the fields to eliminate unwanted weeds.
• Crops produced from Roundup Ready seeds are sterile. Each year, farmers must purchase the most recent strain of seed from Monsanto.
• Worldwide, 282 million acres are planted in Monsanto’s GM crops, up from only 3 million in 1996, according to Food and Water Watch. Forty percent of U.S. cropland, or 151.4 million acres, are planted in Monsanto’s crops. Monsanto owns 1,676 seed, plant and other applicable patents.
Glyphosate is also applied to a crop shortly before harvest to prevent uneven crop growth. Pre-harvest desiccation allows for:
• More even ripening and harvest can be conducted earlier
• Weed control is initiated for a future crop
• Earlier ripening allows for earlier replanting
• Desiccation reduces green material in the harvest putting less strain on harvesting machinery
Glyphosate residues are highest on Non-GMO desiccant treated crops, which include Wheat, Barley, Oats, Sugar Cane, Lentils, Peanuts, Peas, Potatoes, Grapes (wine), Cantaloupes. Glyphosate cannot be washed off before human or animal consumption.
Recent testing shows that Glyphosate is present in a multitude of common foods, including cereals and other foods served in school cafeterias
Glyphosate (N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine) is the world’s best-selling herbicide. Often sold under the brand name Roundup® (formulation of the isopropylamine salt of glyphosate with a surfactant), the glyphosate-based herbicide is applied to the leaves of plants to kill both broadleaf plants and grasses. It kills them by blocking proteins essential to plant growth. After seeds such as soya, corn, and wheat were genetically engineered to tolerate the chemical, the use of glyphosate skyrocketed.
Glyphosate was synthesized by Henri Martin, Cilag, Switzerland, in 1950. As the molecule showed no pharmaceutical perspective, the work was never published. In 1970, John E. Franz, Monsanto, USA, discovered glyphosate to be an herbicide. It was first registered for use in the U.S. in 1974 and long seen as “a discovery as important for reliable global food production as penicillin for battling disease”
Personally I find it difficult to call this chemical product an ‘herbicide‘ since its function does the exact same thing to our water and soil. Glyphosate kills vegetation because it binds and removes vital trace metal nutrients from the plant that the plant needs to survive, just as our bodies need those trace metal nutrients and minerals to function properly.
Today, there are controversial opinions about glyphosate and its effects on human health. Glyphosate binds tightly to soil. Glyphosate has a zwitterionic structure and consequently shows outstanding water solubility, similar to amino acids. It is found in many rivers, wastewater treatment plants, and rain. Glyphosate contributes significantly to species extinction in the agricultural landscape. Glyphosate is a probable human carcinogen. It affects the body’s endocrine system causing problems in the liver and kidneys. Glyphosate residues are said to last for about one year in food and feed. This is where we come back to “What goes in the dirt…goes in the table” while the cow, pig, sheep, chickens don’t drink the Glyphosate, they do consume it. Slaughtering the animal at a year or so prevents the public from truly knowing the damage caused from long term consumption. The animals are murdered before their health problems develop. Not so in humans. If you over 50-55 chances are you never heard the medical condition “leaky gut syndrome” that’s because it did not exist until Bt toxin corn invaded the food supply. .Monsanto’s genetically-modified “Bt corn” has been equipped with a gene from soil bacteria called Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis), which produces the Bt toxin. It’s a pesticide that breaks open the stomach of certain insects and kills them. … And the problem with Bt crops go far beyond the creation of Bt-resistant insects.
The BUND (Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland; a German non-governmental organization (NGO)) and Friends of the Earth Europe (FoE) have found glyphosate in the urine of 45 % of 182 people from 18 European countries
So no matter how you dice things up. If you put something in the dirt, in the water, it goes into the food. Even if we are to believe that the poisons dissipates when the the animal eats the food produced like the chemical companies want to tell us…a little common sense should tell you one thing. You and I eat for foods to put nutrients into our bodies so they function properly. We must have minerals and certain vitimans to function on a daily basis.When th animal eats foods that have no minerals and vitimans they produce an inferrior product. Our bodies need the nutrients and trace metal minerals that glyphosate removes from the plants that are used to feed the animals we eat…the pigs, cows, sheep, chickens. Just a little food for thought.
When it comes to debating the merits of the GMO technology, let’s be clear. The technology, or science if you will is sound. The plants function exactually as designed to do.What is not sound. The ruse the chemical companies have told us in their massive propaganda campaign to have us beleve that the food produced with this wonderful GMO technology is safe to consume.
In my next addition we’ll talk about how eat healthy by using herbs in our diets.
Until Next Time…Happy Gardening
Photos: GMO Inside, Google Images,
Sources: Marjory Wildcraft from the Grow Network
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