9 Foods That You Should Never Eat
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1. Canned Tomatoes: The metal cans used for canned food are typically lined with a layer of plastic to prevent the metals interacting with the food – however the plastics used for the lining often contain BPA, which is a chemical notoriously linked to a whole list of serious health problems. These problems include neurological effects, endocrine disruption, increased chance of being diagnosed with breast and prostate cancer, reproductive abnormalities, heart disease, diabetes and more! Consumer Reports’ testing found that just two servings of tinned food caused BPA exposure in children that was in excess of the amount considered safe.
This effect is higher in canned tomatoes than in other foods. The reason? Tomatoes are quite acidic, which results in greater leaching of the BPA into the food. Thus the amount of BPA contamination in canned tomatoes is higher than that of other foods. It is advised to avoid canned tomatoes and to either seek brands that use glass jars (this is one of the reasons pasta sauces are often found in glass jars!) or consume fresh fruit and veg. [1] Plenty of choice there as many tomato-based food
products such as pasta sauces are now presented in glass jars.
6 Types Of Cooking Oil To NEVER Eat
Ok, let’s see how knowledgeable you are on the subject of cooking oils.
Which of the cooking oils on our list are truly healthy and which are VERY unhealthy? Which should you cook with, which should you put on the salad, and which should you just avoid? Do you know? Some of these listed below (but not all) have even been found to cause immediate heart attacks after meals (from hospital surveys of heart attack patients) because they cause such massive inflammation in your body
The following information has come from the website of www.heralthhappinesbshes.com please give them a look-see and they have very very good information on healthy food and of course how to use herbs properly and you can also find them on telegram & Facebook
The following information has come from the website of herbs health happiness.com please give them a look-see and they have very very good information on healthy food and of course how to use herbs properly and you can also find them on telegram
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